What is
Natural Organic Reduction?
Natural Organic Reduction
Natural Organic Reduction (NOR), also known as “human composting,” is a safe and proven method of death care that gently transforms the body into soil.
An alternative to cremation or burial, NOR provides consumers with an additional choice for final disposition.
Much like the choice that people have with cremated remains, families may choose to use some soil to plant a tree or a memorial garden.
What is natural organic reduction?
What is the public safety impact?
How does it benefit consumers?
An alternative to cremation and burial, also known as human composting
safe and natural process that gently transforms a body into nutrient rich soil
The process takes approximately 60 days
Families may used the soil to plant a tree/memorial or donate to conservation projects
Based on the principles of livestock mortality composting
Proven safe and effective in a 2018 study by Washington State University Soil Science Department
Heat produced by the proces in excess of 131° heat kills viruses, bacteria, and pathogens
Safe for gardens, trees, and general land use
Exceeds EPA requirements: heavy metals are stabilized in the soil, not volatilized
Expands body disposition options and provides freedom of choice
Offers a green alternative to existing approaches with significant savings in carbon emissions and land usage​
It is a natural, sustainable, and dignified process
NOR Facilities in other states keep costs comparable to other death care options when total costs of body disposition are considered
It's Legal
Natural Organic Reduction is now legal in 7 states (WA, CO, OR, VT, CA, NY, NV) and legislation has been introduced in a dozen more (CT, DE HI, IL, MD, ME, MN!!, NJ, NM, PA, RI, VA).
Check out our MN Legislation page to learn more about what is happening here in Minnesota!
It's happening
There are a handful of providers offering Natural Organic Reduction in the United States - the majority of which are in WA.
Check out their unique approaches to this service offering:
Earth Funeral (WA)
Recompose (WA)
It's beautiful
“Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one’s head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no tomorrow. To forget time, to forget life, to be at peace.” – Oscar Wilde
Imagine being a flourishing garden, a tree with leaves blowing in the wind, a continued contribution to our ever-evolving ecosystem.
An example of a Natural Organic Reduction vessel from Washington provider Return Home. The vessel contains organic materials that help the human body compost. Photo credit: Return Home
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